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Blog post 5

“Tétiyette and the Devil ” is a simple moral of how a young woman’s false knowledge landed her in the belly of the devil.  In “Tétiyette and the Devil” the author applies several overlapping themes to the reader, the most prevalent being deception.  Though Tétiyette the narrator shows how arrogance can lead to unfortunate predicaments.  If Tétiyette listened to her mother and shown the slim coated rag, she would have to admit she picked the wrong person.  The devil lulled Tétiyette into false confidence so well she would not have cared if he was the devil, a perfect opportunity for an easy meal.  The story tells a cautionary tale young women who are listening to be wary of who you choose to lie with,  if not you will end up in the belly of a devil.           Tétiyette relationships with her family are not clearly developed in the story but as she called for help from both her parents neither one came to her aid.  Her brother did despite both parents refusing to help.   Any

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